Everyone knows the importance of an estate document. However, most people have never made a will, or if they have, did not update them in time. While some people consider making a will as being too expensive, others think they don’t have assets worthy of protection. Having an estate plan is an important step in a person’s life, as not having one gives the state power to decide how minor children will be raised and how property will be distributed.
MLK Law PC is at your disposal to prepare a wide range of testamentary documents and provide sound legal advice which will help you make important end-of-life decisions.

Through a will, you have control of the disposition of your estate after your death. You can choose how to distribute your wealth among children, surviving spouse and/or other family members, or leave your assets to a charitable or religious institution. If a client so desires, they can also leave instruction on how the assets are to be used by the heirs.

Not any written piece of paper can qualify as being a will. For it to be legally enforceable, it must meet rigid requirements of formatting and implementation. Additionally to specialized advice during will preparation, the experienced attorneys of MLK Law PC offer a will signing ceremony that usually eases clients’ doubts regarding the proper execution of the will.

After the moment of signing, any will can be changed by a subsequent writing. However, here at MLK Law PC, we advise our clients to destroy any prior wills and compose a new one when an alteration needs to be made. A power of attorney for property and/or power of attorney for personal care can be included in any client’s estate plan if so they wish.

In our expert opinion, everyone should take the time to prepare a will and/or an estate trust to shield their assets from creditors and allow a smooth line of ownership succession. Contact us for a confidential consultation.